We want people to be in right relationships with God. For that to happen, people need to hear the gospel and believe.
But in our culture, people are not on a path toward hearing and believing the gospel. Not only have people never heard the gospel, but many don’t even know a Christian. For people to hear the gospel, they need a friend who links them with Jesus. They need someone who can link them with a community of believers so they can experience the love of God through Christians and explore what Christianity is all about. For that to happen, they need someone to invite them.
Church on Sunday is great place for that as we hear the word of God and we see his love displayed through his people.
Invite someone to church
These business cards are available on the noticeboard in the foyer.
Evangelism: Why and How
Below, you’ll find our favourite books for answering your questions about evangelism and our favourite books to give to others when you share the gospel.
Books to help you grow
The Gospel and Personal Evangelism by Mark Dever
This short book is a great introduction to anyone who is starting to think seriously about sharing Jesus with others. Dever explains the theology of evangelism simply and gives practical applications for all spheres of life.
Evangelism and the Sovereignty of God by J. I. Packer
If God is sovereign over salvation, why evangelise? Does active evangelism imply God is not sovereign over salvation? In this short book, Packer shows how a right understanding of God’s sovereignty and our responsibility in evangelism.
Honest Evangelism by Rico Tice
Most of us find evangelism hard. There is great hostility towards Jesus. But there is also great hunger for Jesus and there is no greater joy than seeing people come to know him. This realistic and humorous book will help prepare and encourage you to be honest and bold in your evangelism, presenting the gospel fully, even when it's tough.
Evangelism as Exiles - Elliot Clark
Suffering and exclusion are to be expected by Christians living in the world. This was Jesus’ experience, and is the experience of countless Christians across the world today. 1 Peter was written to remind suffering Christians of their hope, and to encourage them to live good lives in light of that hope. Clark looks at 1 Peter with an eye to how to do evangelism in our time of ‘exile’ in this world. A great book for our time as Christians face increasing hostility and marginalisation in the world.
Books to give to others
The teaching of Jesus and his followers has been undeniably influential in our world. Which is all a bit strange, because that teaching is largely focused on the meaning of Jesus’ death on a Roman cross, and the surprising claim that he had risen from the dead. How does this centuries-old message have anything to do with our lives today?These are the questions Tony Payne answers for you—directly and compellingly—in this short and highly readable book.
Taking the ancient but timeless Apostles’ Creed as their starting point, pastor Rory Shiner and atheist-turned-theologian Peter Orr introduce you to the fundamentals of the Christian faith. Fast-paced, entertaining, personal, and compelling, The World Next Door invites you into a world where Jesus Christ reigns supreme and where lives are changed forever.
When Ray Galea submitted his life to Christ, he had a problem on his hands: Which church should he go to? This book is a re-tracing of Ray’s investigation, looking at the key issues that continue to divide Protestants and Catholics, and assessing them in light of the teaching of Scripture. A challenging and invaluable book for Protestants and Catholics alike.
This short book by Dave Jensen was born out of a desire to help people who are seeking to understand Christianity and learn more about Jesus. It seeks to help all people be able to answer the question “What is a Christian?”. This is a great little book to give to family and friends to help them understand who Jesus is and what he has done and an excellent resource to have at church to give to anyone who wants to learn about what Christianity means for them.
So you’ve shared Jesus with someone… That’s great! What’s next?
Invite someone to read the Bible with you
The Word One to One equips you to introduce your friends to Jesus simply by opening up His Word with them. It provides John’s Gospel in an accessible format so that you can read and discuss God’s Word with anyone, anywhere.
Everything you need is included in the pack. You don't need to be experienced at teaching the Bible or have an in-depth knowledge of John's Gospel before opening these books with your friends. The notes give you everything you need to understand and talk about the passages!
You can purchase a copy from church or from The Wandering Bookseller or Reformers Bookshop.
Evangelism Hour
A group of us meet together regularly to share the joys and hardships of sharing the gospel, and for evangelism training to build our skills and confidence.
If you’d like to join us, contact Dave for details (david@epac.org.au or fill in the form here).