Whether you’ve just arrived in the Nepean-Lower Mountains area or you’ve lived here for a while, we’re glad you’ve found us and hope that we can help you to know Jesus and enjoy life with him.

Each Sunday, we have services at 8:00am, 9:45am, and 6:30pm

Frequently Asked Questions

  • Where is EPAC located?

  • Which service should I come to?

  • What happens during a church service?

  • Who is welcome at EPAC?

  • Will I have to do/say/give anything?

  • What should I wear to church?

  • How long does the service go for?

  • What do children do at church?


Where is EPAC located?

26 Short St Emu Plains, just 1 min from Lennox shops. Enter via Mundy St. There is plenty of parking.

Which service should I come to?

All of our services warmly welcome guests. 

8:00am Church is a traditional prayer book service in the historic sandstone building.

Morning Church at 9:45am is a great service for families.

At this service, there is a parents room with live-streaming for those caring for restless little ones, and Kids Church for 4 year olds to year 5. 

Children who are not keen to go to Kids Church are most welcome to stay with their parents during the service.

Night Church at 6:30pm is particularly popular with high schoolers and young adults.

We also livestream our 9:45am Morning Church service for those who are unwell and unable to come to church. You can watch some previous services to get a taste of what church is like.

What happens during a church service?

Sunday church meetings are a bit like the family hangout of God’s people. There are a few different things that we do in a typical Sunday gathering:

  • We hear from God: As we meet together we want to listen to God speak, so the Bible is read aloud from the front and a speaker spends some time exploring the things we read together and how they apply to our lives.

  • We talk to God: We spend some time talking to God in prayer, usually led by someone at the front.  

  • We sing together: We spend some time singing some songs that remind us about who God is and what he’s done. There are really only two places that Australians sing together; at the football and at church – that’s because football and God are two things that people get passionate about!

  • We enjoy food, coffee and a chat: After each service, we stick around to enjoy an informal morning tea or supper together. This is a chance to find out more about what’s going on in each other’s lives, how we can pray for and encourage each other. It’s a chance to meet new people or to ask the speaker some more questions. Hang around, grab a coffee or tea and meet some new people.

  • Other Things: Some weeks we say a ‘creed’ together. This is a short statement which sums up some of the big and important things Christians believe. Once every six weeks or so we celebrate the Lord’s Supper together, which is about remembering Jesus’ death for us and is fully explained at the time.

Who is welcome at EPAC?

Emu Plains Anglican Church aims to be a place where people can check out Jesus and ask questions. Everybody is welcome to come along – Christian or not.

If you’ve got honest questions or issues, nobody is going to be offended by you asking them, whatever they are. Our leaders are more than happy to sit down over coffee or lunch to talk about your questions and have access to books and other resources that might be of benefit to you. We want to be as helpful as we can in helping you to know about God and what he is doing in the world through Jesus.

Will I have to do/say/give anything?

No. At all of our services we regularly have visitors coming simply to check out what happens at church, and that’s totally fine with us! You are our guest, which means that you won’t be put on the spot or asked to do anything you are uncomfortable with.

What should I wear to church?

There is no need to dress up or wear anything special for church. Regular casual wear is fine. If you’d wear it to the shops, you can wear it to church!

How long does the service go for?

We try to start on time and plan for the service (including morning tea/supper) to go for about 1.5 hours.

You’re free to stay as long as you like to chat and enjoy your conversations and coffee!

What do children do at church?

We love having Children at all of our Sunday church services! They are always welcome, even if they make a bit of noise 🙂

Our 9:45am service is particularly popular with families, where we have a great Kids Church program running during the Morning Church service.

Children who are not keen to go to the Kids Church Program are most welcome to stay with their parents for the duration of the service. A Parents Room is available at the back of the Auditorium with comfortable lounges if your child is restless or needs feeding.

More questions? Contact us here.