Our church prayerfully and financially supports several missionary families and organisations engaged in God’s work beyond our local community.
Read on to find our more about our partners and how you can support them:
Nathan and Diane Lovell (CMS)
Bryce and Colleen McKay (OM)
Simon and Danielle Ball (IMTS)
Bush Church Aid (BCA)
Sydney Anglican Diocese
Moore Theological College
Anglican Aid
New Churches for New communities (NCNC)
Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON)
Nathan and Diane Lovell (CMS)
Nathan and Diane are serving as missionaries at George Whitefield College (GWC) in Cape Town, South Africa. Nathan teaches the Old Testament and serves as the Director of Postgraduate Studies and the Head of Biblical Studies. Diane is the Dean of Women and provides pastoral care to the female students at GWC.
Their prayer is that the students they minister to will be come faithful servants of the gospel and that God will use them to grow the church in Africa and around the world.
To contact the Lovell’s, give to their ministry or receive their prayer updates, click here.
Bryce and Colleen McKay (OM)
Bryce and Colleen McKay have served in Australia, the UK, the USA with Operation Mobilisation (OM) and are currently serving in Japan where Bryce is the International Marketing Solutions Director. Bryce also serves on the Technical Support Team at the Christian Academy in Japan, a vibrant missions school that is equipping students to serve Japan and the world for Christ.
Shinto and Buddhism are the main religions in Japan, with less than 2% of the population claiming to be Christian. Bryce and Colleen are passionate about connecting with and discipling Japanese people and communities who have never heard of God’s love or who don’t have the opportunity to fellowship in a mature and active Christian community.
To contact the McKay’s or donate to their ministry, click here.
Simon and Danielle Ball (IMTS)
Simon and Danielle Ball came back to Australia in 2019 following 10 years of church planting and using the Ministry training Strategy (MTS) to train mid-term missionaries in Ireland. They continue to work in partnership with Pioneers, European Christian Mission and MTS. Simon has developed a modified training programme called InterCultural MTS (IMTS), which builds on the existing MTS framework to include training in cross-cultural contextualisation. They aim to give mission-minded people the theological and practical gospel ministry training they need to prepare for full-time ministry amongst people of other cultures, in places where there is least access to the gospel. To know more about IMTS or to contact Simon, click here. For prayer points, click here, and to financially support this ministry, click here.
Bush Church Aid (BCA)
In Matthew 28:19a, Jesus says ‘Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…’. Since 1919, BCA has been committed to reaching all of regional and outback Australia with the gospel. They provide pastoral care to field staff working in remote areas and work closely with Australia’s first peoples to share the gospel in biblically faithful and culturally appropriate ways. They also run Nomads and Dusty Boots programs to connect Christian travellers and high school students respectively to regional churches, providing opportunities for urban Australians to serve in remote communities and promote greater understanding and fellowship between churches around Australia.
To understand more about the vision of BCA, click here. You can also sign up to BCA’s monthly prayer notes, or donate to their work to support their ministry.
Sydney Anglican Diocese
Anglican churches in the Sydney Metropolitan, Blue Mountains, Southern Highlands, South Coast and Illawarra areas are part of the Anglican Diocese of Sydney. The diocese is led by the Archbishop of Sydney, Kanishka Raffel, and assisted by Bishops and other ministry staff.
Our church is part of the Western Region, overseen by Bishop Gary Koo. Sydney Anglicans aims to reach all the lost in our diocese with the life-giving gospel of Christ, to deepen spiritual maturity among our members, to equip our members to exercise their gifts and to respond to the changing face of our society with prayer and Biblical wisdom.
You can support the various mission organisations overseen by the Diocese, including Anglicare, Anglican Aid, Youthworks and Moore College, by visiting the links we’ve provided to each below.
Moore Theological College
Moore Theological College is based in Newtown, Sydney and has been preparing men and women in Sydney for Christian ministry and mission for over 150 years. Students from a range of Christian denominations and cultural contexts are taught through their accredited diploma, graduate and postgraduate courses, to teach God’s Word faithfully in the context of authentic, loving relationships. Moore College graduates serve throughout Australia and around the world, growing healthy churches and reaching the lost.
For more information on the courses offered at Moore College, click here, or to read the latest issue of Moore Matters, click here.
To help Moore College provide a Scripture-soaked theological education that trains gospel workers for the harvest, you can make a tax-deductible donation here.
Moore College provides prayer points for each day of the month. You can subscribe to their PrayerMate feed here.
Anglicare are motivated by the gospel to serve ageing, vulnerable and marginalised people in our community. They believe in caring for the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of every person and are committed to creating safe environments to support those they serve. They are the urban mission and community care arm of Sydney Anglicans and offer home care services, retirement living, residential aged care, housing, food and financial assistance, family support services, foster care and adoption, op shops and more.
Anglicare hosts a Mobile Community Pantry at our church every second Tuesday, providing fresh food to people in need in our area. If you’d like more information about Fresh Food Pantry or if you’re interested in serving, contact us.
You can subscribe to Anglicare’s PrayerMate feed here and donate to the work of Anglicare here.
Mobile Community Pantry at Emu Plains Anglican Church 21 June 2022
Anglican Aid
Anglican Aid is the aid and ministry support agency of Sydney Anglicans and works in partnership with the global church to provide Christian ministry and practical support to under-resourced countries around the world. They work to strengthen churches by sharing resources and building partnerships between Australian Anglican churches and churches overseas. They often work with low-capacity partners supporting projects that the local community has identified as necessary and urgent. They are involved in health education, income generation and emergency relief. Anglican Aid also enables Australian Christians to sponsor a Bible College student to help equip the next generation of Christian leaders in developing nations.
To make a tax-deductible donation to Anglican Aid, click here, or to sponsor a Bible College student, click here. You can subscribe to their PrayerMate feed here.
Youthworks is the youth branch of the Diocese of Sydney whose mission is to support the work of the gospel in churches and schools and to present children, youth and families mature in Christ. Their work includes SRE (Special Religious Education), the LIT (Leaders in Training) camp for students in Years 9-12 and Year 13, a gap-year program that gives school-leavers a taste of theological study nd mission.
For more information what Youthworks have been up to recently, see the latest copy of The Works.
To donate to the vital ministry Youthworks is doing to share the gospel with Children and Youth, click here.
Source: https://www.year13.net/about-us
Source: MTS Facebook
Ministry Training Strategy (MTS)
Ministry Training Strategy (MTS) works with Christians and churches across Australia to recruit and train gospel workers through ministry apprenticeships. Going into full-time ministry is a significant decision, so MTS helps prospective ministry workers to get a taste for ministry even before they enrol in theological college.
MTS apprenticeships go for two-years and enable the apprentice to benefit from authentic relationships and learning experiences that are impossible to teach in the classroom. Jesus encourages us to pray that God would raise up workers for the harvest, and there are still so many people in Australia who have never heard the gospel.
You can donate to the work of MTS here and subscribe to their PrayerMate feed here.
If you’re considering becoming an MTS apprentice, you can submit an enquiry here.
New Churches for New communities (NCNC)
The population of Greater Sydney is estimated to increase by 1.7 million residents by 2036, with two-thirds of residents settling in Greater Western Sydney. Our area, the Penrith LGA, is expected to grow by 52.3%. NCNC is part of the Anglican Church Growth Corporation which brings together the various groups involved in strategic planning and the development of new and existing churches within the Diocese. NCNC raises funds for new church buildings, creating the infrastructure to support ministry and evangelism now and in the future.
For information on NCNC’s current projects and prayer points, click here.
To make a tax-deductible donation to support NCNC, click here.
Global Anglican Future Conference (GAFCON)
Source: https://www.gafcon.org/about
The first GAFCON was held in Jerusalem in 2008 in response to the conflict in the global Anglican church about the authority of the Bible and the decline of biblical witness in the Anglican church. The Jerusalem Statement and Declaration issued from the 2008 conference and since then, three other world-wide conferences have been held. GAFCON strives to guard and proclaim ‘the unchanging truth in a changing world.’
To subscribe to their PrayerMate feed, click here. You can donate to GAFCON directly or donate to Moore College’s GAFCON Fellowship Scholarship which is awarded to students whose theological studies at Moore College will provide strategic advantage to GAFCON.