Bible Talk : Mark 1-8 : Who Is This Man? : Jesus and the Gentiles

Mark 7:24 – 8:10

Ephesians 2:11-22


16 September 2018

David Simmons


separate from Christ,

excluded from citizenship in Israel

foreigners to the covenants of the promise

without hope

without God in the world

Ephesians 2:12


1. Hope for the hopeless

because Jesus is powerful

Mark 7:24-30


2. Hope for the hopeless

because Jesus is merciful

Mark 7:31-37


3. Hope for the hopeless

because Jesus is compassionate

Mark 8:1-10


Praying for a new compassion for the lost

that leads us to show mercy by sharing the gospel

while trusting the power of God to save

Who Is This Man.png
Rex Garbutt